What Is Drop Shipping?

A few months ago, I was exactly in your position. A business owner with dreams of changing how my business operated by creating an overhaul in my shipping process. I had no idea if this was possible and took a big leap with drop shipping. Drop shipping as a concept is truly new and not many people have embraced it. Not knowing what drop shipping was, I decided to invest some time and money in a course that would take me through drop shipping.

The course was carried out by Conversion Hub, a Digital Marketing Agency in Singapore. Imagine learning a whole new concept that actually has positive results in a single day. This was my experience with this course and I would gladly recommend it to anyone who is just starting off in E-commerce and looking to for a more effective management system.

About Drop Shipping

What exactly is Drop Shipping?

Although a new concept for me, the drop Shipping training Singapore definitely opened up my eyes to this concept. From the training, I learned that drop shipping involves a shipping system where businesses do not have to hold inventory at physical locations and instead ship goods directly from their manufacturers to the client. This concept is not only efficient but also saves you a lot of costs that are involved in having a physical location. Understanding Drop shipping was made very easy by the trainers since it involved actual role plays and trainee involvement. By the end of it all, I felt like I was part of an enterprise that had been drop shipping for years.

Bonuses from our introduction to drop shipping included a brief look of the E-commerce landscape and great elaboration between Drop Shipping and selling on market places. This bonus was interesting for me since the E-commerce landscape is constantly evolving and the only way to survive in it is to recognize these changes.

Trainee Involvement in the Training

Ever attended a training where the trainer keeps talking only with themselves? Well, this is definitely not that type of training. Unlike conventional training setups where the trainer the ultimate authority, Conversion Hub has developed a different model that takes the trainees account. All through the drop shipping course Singapore, we were accorded enough time for a question and answer section which ensured everyone was given a fair chance. Also, the trainers and facilitators kept encouraging individuals to be as vocal as they could during the training. By the end of it all, I could not have asked for more.

Why should you attend this course?

You are probably wondering why exactly you should attend this course, right? Well, I was also skeptical at first but the experience has been very eye-opening and truly meaningful for my business. The major advantage for me after attending the training has been the support I have received from Conversion Hub’s family in setting up my Drop shipping system. The team has helped me set up various accounts to support the drop shipping concept and also different soft wares for the same functions. I have greatly benefited from the training and plan to attend more training offered by Conversion Hub. These training are well documented on their website here. Feel free to pay them a visit, you will not be disappointed.
