The 3 Winning Habits of Great Content Marketers
You’ve probably heard the saying that, “Content is King”. This cannot be understated. The Internet is all about information, so much that ours has been termed, The Information Age. Billions of bytes of new information are uploaded to the Internet every single day and as the world becomes more interconnected, these trends are not showing any signs of abating. That is why businesses, whether large or small, must invest in the right content marketing strategies. This ensures that they stay competitive by providing the right information in the right way. We cannot overemphasize the fact that content is the bedrock of search engine optimization (SEO). But how can businesses go about developing the right content marketing strategies?
- Develop a website or blog
Once the relevant content is created, the business or organization needs a vehicle to convey that content to the world. In the past, they would either buy newspaper or magazine ads or print flyers and brochure. While these still retain their place in the content ecosystem, content consumption has gone digital. A website or blog is how businesses deliver content to their market segment. For help developing your website, contact Figment Digital Marketing Agency.
- Develop a posting schedule
It is reported that millions of websites on the Internet feature grossly outdated content. These types of sites have even been compared to “space junk”. They occupy the Net’s real estate without providing any real value to consumers. After their owners launched the website, they never bothered to update the content again. Winning businesses develop a schedule and a strategy to research, create and update their content. Incidentally, they are then rewarded with high search engine rankings because they are deemed to be experts in their field. Content that’s never updated signals to the search engines either a lack of expertise or a business that has stopped providing real value.
What kind of schedule is best? This depends on the particular business. Some businesses post once a week, others once a month. The longer it takes for one to post content, the more it needs to provide ample and relevant info when it is finally published.
- Proper keyword research
The temptation to jump on the computer keyboard and start typing away always entices business owners who want to put their content. But great content marketers resist this and instead cultivate a habit of conducting meticulous keyword research. This uncovers what the market is consuming, the types of keywords being typed in the search engines for a particular niche, what their traffic is, cost per click and so forth. Expert content marketers then use this data to craft the right kind of content that ranks well. They also research social media trends for those same keywords using a variety of tools in order to uncover the most shared content in that niche. Armed with this intelligence, they then get to work and craft content that not only provides excellent value but gets appreciated by the search engines.
For more, visit Figment Digital Marketing Agency

Donna is your friend in the know. Her blog is a treasure trove of insightful tidbits on a wide range of topics. From wellness to technology, she’s your source for staying informed and inspired.