Golden Rules
Ahh…it’s so good to be back in DC. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my brief flirtation with NY Fashion Week. But this Wednesday, September 12th, is the world premiere of The Fashion of Goodwill Virtual Runway Show and Online Auction – and who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?!
We’re also lucky enough here to have as our guest blogger all this week the fashion designer of the Goodwill Runway Show: Image & Beauty Expert Tu-Anh. Today, she’s bringing you the fall accessories trend report, so get ready…the weather might be turning cool soon, but this advice is hot!
Did you know that gold symbolizes good health and wealth, and people who favor gold are optimistic? From the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and other Western Royalties to the Ruling Powers of the East and the Tibetan Buddists, Gold is linked to the divine and is associated with the power of the sun that stands for success and happiness.
Many fashion forward jewelry stores and departments have been reported increase in sales of gold jewelry for the past 2 seasons. It’s no wonder now this hype is hitting the runways and retailers since jewelry and fashion have a bond that inspires one another simultaneously. The use of gold in fashion has become very strong this year and particularly this season. Fabrics on garments and accessories have a gold metallic sheen to them, designers from east to west have decided to polish their collections from shoes to accessories to eyeshadows and even Ray Ban sunglasses with the Midas touch.
Flip the pages of W, Vogue, and Elle and there you’ll see…Gucci, Prada, Cavalli, Guess, Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, and Michael Kors ads featuring garments, stilettos, belts, and handbags with gold details paired with the Veronica Lake waves and luscious red lips and Gold jewelry.
From the runways and red carpet to city streets, gold has taken over the closets of the fashion savvy goddesses. So if you have a belt with a gold buckle or a pair of gold hoops somewhere in your closet, it‘s time to put it to work by jazzing up your fall wardrobe. While the momentum is on, don’t forget to pick up a new sultry red lipstick to go with your gold at the local make-up counter or your private beauty consultant. Or even better, stop by your local Goodwill Store to pick up a handbag or belt with gold details of your choice for less than $20… you will not only get a deal. But you will help make a difference in your community by shopping there.
So if you want to increase your personal power, achieve success, good health, and sunshine in your life and be ready for the new year cycle of 2008…Add the touch of gold to your wardrobe now..

Donna is your friend in the know. Her blog is a treasure trove of insightful tidbits on a wide range of topics. From wellness to technology, she’s your source for staying informed and inspired.