Learn How To Avoid Burglaries And Enjoy Your Vacation In Peace
We have 10 important home security tips to protect your home while you travel. It will give you peace of mind while you are away. People travel to enjoy some rest and relaxation, especially now that the summer is in the near horizon. But before packing and enjoying the peace and quiet, it is important to take care before leaving your house or apartment.
1 – If you do not have home security devices (such as cameras and an alarm system) try to get them— prices are affordable. Look for the equipment in the home improvement stores or in the retail stores that carry security devices, such as places like Best Buy.
2 – Do not discuss about your trip with anyone other than trusted family or friends. Do not post about it on social media!
3 – When having a house sitter, periodically call them sometimes to ask if everything is okay.
4 – In extended absences, if you don’t have a house sitter) ask a family member to visit your house and ask them to do things such as water the plants, take in the newspaper and collect the mail.
5 – If you have an outside gate, avoid placing padlocks on the gate. This may indicate that no one is home.
6 – If you have a camera doorbell, you can monitor who is at your property anytime it’s rung.
7 – Close the doors and make sure it’s locked. The same needs to be done on windows.
8 – Do not leave behind money or jewelry in the open. If you have a safe, plan to use it.
9 – Don’t let your yard get overgrown. Hire or ask someone to keep it keep it maintained. An over grown yard makes it look like no one is home to care for it.
10 – When away on a long vacation, handover 2 sets of house keys to a person you trust. This will be handy in the event of an emergency.

Robert is all about making the complex seem simple. He distills knowledge from diverse fields into bite-sized, easy-to-digest pieces. Join him for practical tips, life hacks, and a friendly chat.