How to Lubricate Your Garage Door: Solving Common Maintenance Problems

Proper garage door maintenance is essential to ensure smooth operation and longevity. One critical aspect of this maintenance is regular lubrication. This guide will walk you through how to lubricate your garage door, addressing common problems and providing essential tips for optimal performance.

Identifying the Need for Lubrication

Over time, garage doors can start to make noise, move jerkily, or even get stuck. These issues often stem from a lack of proper lubrication. Regular lubrication prevents wear and tear on the moving parts, ensuring your garage door operates smoothly and quietly.

Choosing the Best Lubricant for Garage Doors

Not all lubricants are created equal. For garage doors, it’s essential to use a lubricant specifically designed for this purpose. Silicone-based lubricants and lithium grease are the best lubricant for garage doors. Avoid using products like WD-40, which is more of a cleaner than a proper lubricant and can attract dirt and dust.

Steps to Lubricate Your Garage Door

  1. Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a high-quality garage door lubricant, a cloth, and a ladder.
  2. Clean the Tracks: Before lubricating, ensure the garage door tracks are clean. Wipe them down with a damp cloth to remove any dust and debris.
  3. Lubricating Garage Door Tracks: Although you don’t need to lubricate the tracks themselves, you should lubricate the rollers that run along them. Apply the lubricant directly to the rollers and bearings.
  4. Hinges and Springs: Next, lubricate the hinges and springs. Open and close the door a few times to help distribute the lubricant evenly.
  5. Locks and Armbar: Don’t forget to lubricate the lock and the armbar. A small amount of lubricant will keep these parts functioning smoothly.

Garage Door Lubrication Tips

  • Frequency: Lubricate your garage door every six months. If you live in a particularly dusty or humid area, you might need to do it more frequently.
  • Application: Apply the lubricant sparingly. Too much lubricant can attract dirt and cause more harm than good.
  • Safety First: Always disconnect the garage door opener before performing any maintenance to avoid accidents.

Common Problems and Solutions

  • Noisy Operation: If your garage door is making excessive noise, check all moving parts for signs of wear. Regular lubrication can often solve this problem.
  • Jerky Movements: If the door moves jerkily, ensure all hinges and rollers are properly lubricated and that the tracks are clean.
  • Sticking or Binding: This can often be resolved by lubricating the springs and the roller bearings.

Professional Help: 

While regular maintenance can prevent many issues, sometimes professional help is necessary. Integrity Garage Door Repairs in Burlington offers expert services to ensure your garage door remains in top condition. Their team can handle everything from routine maintenance to complex repairs, ensuring your door operates smoothly and safely.


Lubricating your garage door is a simple yet crucial part of garage door maintenance. By choosing the best lubricant for garage doors and following these tips, you can prevent common problems and extend the life of your garage door. If issues persist, don’t hesitate to contact professionals like Integrity Garage Door Repairs in Burlington for expert assistance.