Hi there avid readers how are you, actual comments would be amazing but I’m here to talk about my idea for bulldog antiques on a VR quest, recently purchased and a long time in waiting I finally have my hands on the quest virtual reality headset.
I did buy it for chilling out but as the owner of COLLECTIBULLDOGS.COM the worlds first multi award winning website showcasing purely English bulldog antiques and bulldog memorabilia I’m always looking for new ways to get my venture out.
The VR quest came with the normal Rec room and VR Chat included and I’m on a quest to find other apps or solutions within the lens in front of me and hopefully my synapsis and oculus snapdragon can come up with some great ideas
The Rift is better I feel many thinking and your right I too like many others went through countless reviews whilst waiting for the second shipment to arrive, the rift connects to a hard drive device like a laptop or desktop this makes the rift a little faster and with a much brighter resolution when it comes to the colours on the screen.
Another idea I have is to add the five thousand or so bulldog antiques and memorabilia pieces into a virtual reality museum and try and find a way of either streaming out live or finding a way to save my work create a url and share it on our website.
Collectibulldogs has a one of a kind name the website stands alone on the internet and out of the one point eight Billion live websites currently running today we are the only one of our kind, I have been in the media I created the worlds first bulldog memorabilia exhibition at Brighton Museums and our endorsement is professional Boxer Gary O’Sullivan
The website is more like a community we have thousands of friends on social media formats and even hundreds of thousands of followers on formats like Twitter @collectibulldog got too 216k before twitters algorithms spoilt everything.
That’s ok though I cannot see any of the larger formats disappearing anytime soon but the fact there’s VR now means we have much more options at our disposal and formats become forgotten about as your exploring new possibilities like I’m doing with my bulldog antiques on the VR quest.

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