The Rise of Kiosks and How it Improved Business
Kiosks have essentially come to rule our lives. Everywhere we go, more than half of our needs are tended to by interactive kiosks. ATM booths, ticket counters, information desks and so on. People nowadays have less time and less patience to interact with another human being. They prefer getting their information from an automated machine, which not only ensures accuracy but is also impersonal and efficient. No more small talk while waiting in line to get your money, no feeling of being judged behind the ticket counter as you contemplate which movie to go to. Kiosks allow us to make our choices the way we want, without the feeling of any external judgement or pressure.
Customising Kiosks
All kiosks follow the most basic design of computing – input of information, processing that information and the corresponding output. But in order to make your kiosk more personal and productive is to understand the needs of your target audience and customise your kiosk accordingly. Shopping complexes will have an abundant number of ATMs, ticketing, navigation and recreation kiosks. A movie theatre may only have a ticket kiosk. A hospital may have all the above and an information kiosk.
The type of kiosk you use must meet the needs of your customers, and must be easy to use.
Companies like Olea Designer Kiosks provide their services to ensure that the kiosks you desire are customised to your preferences. The kiosk will be designed based on your feedback and catered to your needs.
Technology Rises
With the increasing existence of highly interactive, digitalised kiosks, the race is on to create highly sophisticated kiosks that serve all the requirements in a fast, easy and useful manner. Touch based kiosk systems are highly popular as opposed to those with buttons. This is also due to an increased sense of security, with features like touch recognition. It’s not to say that less digitized kiosks are becoming extinct, but with the fast advancing pace of technology, these kiosks also need an upgrade.
Rather than basing a kiosk on a simple ‘give and take’ relationship of trading information, smart kiosks nowadays provide suggestions based on your activity. For example, a ticketing kiosk at the theatre might recommend movies based on your previous choices, with personalised accounts that retain information like your preferred choice of seats, refreshments etc. This basic form of artificial intelligence can help propel the use of kiosks to greater heights.

Robert is all about making the complex seem simple. He distills knowledge from diverse fields into bite-sized, easy-to-digest pieces. Join him for practical tips, life hacks, and a friendly chat.