Dog on the Way – What to Buy for the Furry that will Arrive
The arrival of a puppy at home can involve many changes! Think about the routine of walks and food, put him to sleep, teach him to be alone, the arrangement of furniture and objects that the furry ones reach … It’s almost like the arrival of a human baby! To make life a little easier for those who are looking for puppies for sale near me, we made a list of what you need to think and have to accommodate the new member of the family well.
Keep in mind that some items may not be needed at first, especially if you are a puppy. But if you are adopting or buying an adult dog, everything below is important for the well-being of the new home. See Also: Ruffwear Front Range Harness
Food – It seems obvious to think about food, but remember that you need to know what kind of food your dog will have. Take it to the vet before taking it home and leave with the mark and quantity it will eat. Also ask for an indication of the snacks he will be able to eat in this first moment of adaptation.
Feeders – The furry must have one for food and another for water. There are bowls of different materials and shapes. The best material is stainless steel, as it scratches and spoils less than plastic, acrylic and aluminum. The size will depend on the size your fur is. Even if he is still a puppy, you will have to change the food and water containers as he grows.
Leash, guide and identification – Essential items for dogs of all ages! The collar with the identification tag must be on your dog at all times when he leaves the house – because if he manages to escape, whoever finds him will be able to contact you.

Donna is your friend in the know. Her blog is a treasure trove of insightful tidbits on a wide range of topics. From wellness to technology, she’s your source for staying informed and inspired.